The liver is a vital organ known as the production center of our bodies. When the liver gets damaged, it does not heal quickly, thus frequent care is extremely crucial. In this post, we’ll look at study findings that suggest that 9-times baked bamboo salt protects damaged liver cells, reduces inflammation, and helps prevent liver cancer.
The liver is a key organ for regulating body metabolism and homeostasis. It also participates in approximately 500 metabolic processes. It is in charge of metabolism, which includes the synthesis, decomposition, and storage of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins, the storage and activation of minerals and vitamins, and the reuse and destruction of intermediate metabolites. It detoxifies and protects the body against toxic substances, as well as producing bile in the process of digesting fat. The liver may execute smooth metabolism when the tissue’s structural shape is tidy and the sequence of organization is correct. However, if liver tissue gets damaged by toxic substances, the shape and structure of liver cells may change. In this situation, part of the blood that enters the liver goes through it without entering the liver cells, creating a range of illnesses and resulting in a malfunctioning liver.
9times baked bamboo salt top tier anti-inflammatory effects on the liver and goes beyond.
Liver illnesses include hepatitis due to viruses, such as acute, chronic, and cirrhosis, as well as fatty liver, hepatic encephalopathy, and liver cancer caused by alcohol and obesity. Liver disease, vascular disease, and cancer are all caused by oxidative stress and inflammation. Carbon tetrachloride, or CCl4, was used to cause liver damage in rats. Highly reactive free radicals are produced during its hepatic metabolism (free radicals). Hepatocytes are exposed to CCl4-induced fat peroxidation, which damages and necroses the liver. In liver cells, inflammatory and other harmful activities are linked to the aminotransferases aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT). Whereas AST is high in hepatocellular damage, ALT is raised in early liver injury. Another indicator of liver impairment is lactate dehydrogenase (LDH).
Researchers found that bamboo salts lessened the liver damage caused by CCl4 in white mice when they examined the connection between bamboo salts and enhanced liver function. In this experiment, the blood concentrations of AST, ALT, and LDH, which are indicators of CCl4-induced liver damage, were considerably reduced in the following order: refined salt, sea salt, 1time baked bamboo salt, and 9times baked bamboo salt. Furthermore, TGTriglyceride and neutral lipids reduced the greatest in the 9times baked bamboo salt, which was comparable to the control group. Serum levels of inflammatory cytokines, including IL-6, IFN-γ, and TNF-α, were much lower. Additionally, 9times baked bamboo salt had the lowest level of these factors.

Figure 1: Pathological image of salt-induced liver tissue in rats with CCl4-induced liver injury (X200x).
Figure 1 shows substantial hepatocyte deterioration and necrosis in the control group compared to CCl4-treated groups. Significant hyperemia, congestion, and liver damage cells were seen around the central vein. Necrosis, hyperemia, and liver cell congestion were seen in the refined salt and sea salt treatment groups, whereas one-time baked bamboo salt had an anti-inflammatory effect and considerably adjusted hepatic tissue arrangement. However, numerous lobules were not substantially altered by 9 times baked salt, indicating that it protects liver tissues and cells while decreasing inflammation..
In fact, study on mouse liver tissue showed that the expression of inflammatory genes such as mRNA was dramatically decreased. The 1time baked and 9times baked bamboo salts suppressed appearance of iNOS, COX-2, TNF-α, and IL-1β. Additionally, bamboo salt has been shown to have a hepatoprotective effect by reducing hepatocyte death and inflammatory gene production in mouse liver tissue.
9times baked Bamboo salt’s anti-cancer properties and ability to prevent cancer
It is often believed that the more salt you consume, the more harmful it is to your health; nevertheless, study has revealed that the more you consume 9times baked bamboo salt, the better the cancer preventive impact. Scientific investigations have confirmed Insan Kim Il-hoon’s prescription of ‘taking bamboo salt’.
This is a study report on the anti-mutagenic (cancer-preventing) properties of bamboo salt, as well as its anti-cancer effects on liver cancer cells. In this study, Ames Mutagenesis Test was used to investigate the cancer-prevention effects of several forms of salt, including a carcinogen known as MNNG and bamboo salt.

Table 1. Ames Mutagenesis Test on Cancer Prevention, Protective and Mutagenic Effects of Salt on Carcinogen knowns as MNNG.
Table 1 shows the study’s significant results on bamboo salt. When 1.25 mg of salt was added to MNNG, the carcinogenicity of refined salt rose to -20% and that of sea salt to -15%, but the carcinogenicity of 3 and 9 times baked bamboo salts decreased to 1% and 9%, respectively. Furthermore, raising the salt level to 2.5 mg increased the carcinogenicity of refined salt and sea salt by more than doubling to -50% and -42%, correspondingly, suggesting that a high salt diet gives some disadvantages. For 1time and three times bamboo salt, the results were -12% and -4%, accordingly. However, even after doubling the salt concentration, 9 times bamboo salt had an anti-mutagenic impact of 17%, demonstrating that the efficacy of cancer prevention increased as the salt concentration grew.

Figure 2 shows how inflammatory gene (iNOS, COX-2) and apoptotic gene (Bax, Bcl-2) are regulated in HepG2 human liver cancer cells by bamboo salt.
In human liver cancer cells, 9times baked bamboo salt caused death (apoptosis) of the cancer cells, by increasing the corresponding gene Bax and almost lowering Bcl-2, therefore affecting the genes that cause cancer cells to commit suicide. The study found that the 9th bamboo salt effectively decreased the activity of inflammatory genes iNOS and COX-2, which are known to promote inflammation. In this example, 9times baked bamboo salt demonstrated a substantial suppressive impact on inflammatory genes such as iNOS and COX-2, which produce inflammation. Additionally, bamboo salt was discovered to promote cancer cell death in liver cancer cells and suppress inflammation (see Figure 2).
In the May edition of Insan Medicine Magazine, we shared the findings of a research demonstrating the considerable inhibitory effect of 9times baked bamboo salt on non-alcoholic fatty liver, a condition that may be induced by the consumption of foods like pork belly. Therefore, it is anticipated that 9 times baked bamboo salt would help with the maintenance and protection of liver health by lessening the effects of stress, lipids, free radicals, toxins, and inflammation in the liver.
Reference :
- Bamboo salt attenuates CCI4‒induced hepatic damage in Sprague‒Dawley rats (Xin Zhao, Jia‒Le Song, Jeung‒ha Kil and Kun‒young Park), Nutrition Research and Practice. 2013;7(4):273‒280
- Antimutagenic Activity and In Vitro Anticancer Effects of Bamboo Salt on HepG2 Human Hepatoma Cells (Xin Zhao, Jae‒Hyun Ju, Hyung‒Min Kim, Kun‒young Park), Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and Oncology. 2013;32(1):9‒20
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