Healing Story of Ulcerative Colitis – Mr. Lim’s life was altered by Bamboo Salt.

“I am a witness”

Mr. Lim, the owner of a furniture shop in Sokcho, Gangwon Province, suffered from ulcerative colitis. It is an illness that is difficult to treat, even after a lifetime of medicine.
We spoke to him about his life experience, and how he faced the shadow of death every day.

“I couldn’t eat properly since I was always having diarrhea. My weight dropped from 70 to 48 kg in only one month. The weight loss had left me frail and confused. Later, whenever I had diarrhea along with blood flowing out of me, left my face pale. I got dizzy and had trouble even standing up.
Every day, I pondered death. I couldn’t eat since everything I ate led me to have diarrhea.”

Even a sip of water had him running to the toilet. He was a living dead, but today he is in excellent condition. He’s even a YouTuber who plays saxophone. We had conversations with Mr. Lim about his incredible life story after his experience with Bamboo Salt.

My friend introduced me to bamboo salt through the book “Holy Medicine.”
Mr. Lim had a good physique and enjoyed exercising. After leaving the military, he took swimming class as a hobby while operating a business, and one day after finishing his class, he noticed a little discomfort in his stomach. He didn’t think much of it, but the pain lingered day after day, and his diarrhea became more frequent.

One day, he saw blood in his diarrhea. I was concerned and went to Seoul National University Hospital for an endoscopic examination, which revealed the state of my colon.

“The doctor showed me the endoscopic images, and my intestinal wall was scratched as if a cat had clawed it. The doctor informed me that this illness was tough to treat and that I would have to take medication for the rest of my life. The medicine I was given was severe. However, that was the only medication available, so I depended on it. I had less diarrhea, but even the most effective medicine only worked for a day or two, and the longer I was on it, the worse I felt. I stopped taking Western treatment and began taking Korean traditional medicine. I thought my symptoms were getting better, then they came back. For five years, I rotated between Western and Korean traditional medicine.”

When he was forty years old, a captain in the artillery unit who had been close to him during his military duty paid him a visit and introduced him to Kim Il-Hoon, also known as Dr. Insan, and the book ‘Holy Medicine,’ recommending him to seek for treatment there.

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He quickly went to the bookstore and purchased the book.

“While reading the Holy Medicine, I came across the bamboo salt. At the age of thirty-five, I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. Five years later, I found the bamboo salt. It would have been ideal if he had continued to use bamboo salt.

He still had to go through five years of learning the ropes following his connection with the “Holy Medicine.”

“I cannot picture myself without bamboo salt. Even today, I view Dr. In-san, the creator of 9-times baked bamboo salt, as genuinely amazing. I used to consume whatever was said to be healthy for my body. I had no energy, so I decocted and ate 120 snakes, as well as rare ginseng from the mountains, which cost 7 million won each root. I even went to Beijing’s Dongyin Medical Center and got a prescription for Chinese medicine. Having money is useless if you can’t get cured.

I melted bamboo salt into saliva as described in the “The Holy Medicine” book.
I used the bamboo salts for a week, and as my diarrhea stopped then switched to another medication repeatedly.

I wasn’t sure whether it was the bamboo salt or the other medication that helped me feel better. I spent five years doing this, trying numerous techniques. Finally, I decided to use the bamboo salt that worked best for me. I took 9times baked bamboo salt as suggested by Dr. Insan and dissolved them in my saliva. I took a teaspoon five or six times each day. After a week, the frequency of diarrhea reduced. The diarrhea became less bloody after a week. After another week, the diarrhea stopped. After another week, I recovered my enjoyment of eating. Within a month, my ulcerative colitis symptoms disappeared.

I was skeptical about bamboo salt at first. After 10 years of suffering, my diarrhea has suddenly stopped. So, I stopped taking bamboo salts. After a week, the diarrhea started again. That is when I began to believe bamboo salt was the answer.

I had 9times baked bamboo salt in my mouth and dissolved them with saliva, much like eating candy. It was difficult to take at first, but it eventually tasted great. It takes time, but it’s the most effective way to go.

When I grew bored of dissolving it in his saliva, I mixed the bamboo salt with water and drank it. I also tried putting a few into my mouth and drinking it with water. However, it was less effective than dissolving it with saliva. Dr. In-San had stated, ” When bamboo salt and saliva interact, the poisonous substance turns liquid ” and I understood this through my own body.

When I began taking bamboo salt, my weight returned to normal. Being able to eat correctly has accelerated my health recovery. Everyone I met mentioned that my skin color had improved. My hands and feet started warming, and my body temperature was increasing. “Ulcerative colitis needs to be checked regularly. In early April, I underwent a colonoscopy, and my rectum, which was the most severe area of my condition, was clean, with just a few remnants in my right colon.”

“How did you get so much better?” My doctor, who told me that ulcerative colitis is an incurable ailment, expressed amazement.

Mr. Lim consumes around two 1-kilogram packages of 9 times bamboo salt each year. He began eating it regularly when he was 45 years old, and by easy calculation, he had consumed 38 kg of bamboo salt. After more than a decade of taking bamboo salt, if he skips a few days, it is immediately visible on his face. His skin gradually darkens, and his hands and feet get cold.

In addition to bamboo salt, he likes eating sulfur garlic bamboo salt. Sulfur garlic bamboo salt, a 66-34 ratio of sulfur field garlic and bamboo salt, is beneficial when feeling weak, particularly for males.

After overcoming ulcerative colitis, Mr. Lim said that he now wants to enjoy his life. As a former military musician, he likes playing instruments. Nowadays, he has a YouTube account called ” Saxophone & Electric Organ along the Road.” where he posts videos of himself playing his saxophone. He made the video by capturing the surroundings around Sokcho and filling the backdrop with the delicate and lovely sound of his tenor saxophone. You may admire Sokcho’s surroundings while also listening to his tenor saxophone.
“Thank you, Dr. In-san, for creating the 9-times baked bamboo salt. I really don’t know what I would have done without the amazing Dr. In-san, who came up with 9-times baked bamboo salt; there just aren’t enough words to describe him.

 If he were still living, I would have paid him a visit and shown my gratitude in person, but it is too late now. Thank you, Dr. In-san.”

Mr. Lim said that he had another person to thank besides Dr. Insan.

The artillery captain who introduced him to Dr.Insan’s  Insan medicine. Although he hasn’t spoken with him in a long time, he still practices moxibustion, and he’s probably reading the monthly “Insan Medicine Magazine” somewhere, and if he ever contacts me, he’d like to take him out for dinner.

Finally, Mr. Lim has a message for those who suffer from ulcerative colitis.

 “If you have the same condition as I used to, please dissolve the nine times baked bamboo salts in your saliva and take them continuously for at least one month, and if that doesn’t help, try two months. Don’t be skeptical; I’ve seen it work and can attest to its efficacy. I’m the witness.

Picture of K-Lava


Insanga is a trading name of Insan Inc. Registered office: 23-26, Sudongnonggong-gil, Sudong-myeon, Hamyang, Gyeongsangnam-do, 50022 Republic of Korea.
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