Salt and Minerals are essential for the human body to fight against bad germs or illnesses. Dr.Insan wrote in his book, Holy Medicine – ” It is thanks to minerals that the body of living creatures do not decay. When body fluid lacks minerals, it can cause inflammation which can develop into cancer if left too long.”
Foods Today are Poor in Minerals due to Soil Depletion
However, many foods today are poorer in mineral than in the past because of soil’s mineral depletion and pollution.

All 55 Essential Minerls are contained in K-LAVA SALT
Therefore, Dr. Insan wrote, “the most valuable mineral is extracted when sea salt put in bamboo is baked over pine tree firewood with high heat above 1,832 Fahrenheit degrees (1,000 degrees Celsius) repeatedly 9 times.”
Colloidal Mineral are Easily Absorbed by the body
Furthermore, they are colloidal mineral that can be easily absorbed by the body in the form of food. According to the latest technical analysis, it was determined that all 55 essential minerals such as sulfur, potassium, zinc, manganese, iron, phosphorus, iodine, and selenium are contained in K-LAVA SALT Original 9x.